



Drafts of history: the world in newspapers on a single day Edited by Vaibhav Singh
With an introduction by Amelia Bonea
This book offers a visual catalogue of over 200 newspapers from around the world, largely of and around a single day, 10 March 1888. The collection presents a unique snapshot of the world in newspapers by documenting a nineteenth-century endeavour to create an international archive of the press. Drafts of history not only offers a rare glimpse of the visual design and everyday reading contexts of a bygone era, but it is also a timely invitation to reflect on collecting and exhibiting a centuries-old print medium in the age of digital media. [Read more …]



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Paperback with flaps
288 pages · 170×240 mm
Full-colour illustrations




Contextual Alternate Journal of Communication, Technology, Design, and History
Essays in this volume address missionary print in nineteenth-century rural India, popular woodblock print and lithography in modern China, the beginnings of photocomposition for Indian scripts, the Japanese school of etchers, and the early years of British printing in Ceylon. Contributions by Ulrike Stark, James A. Flath, Vaibhav Singh, Ad Stijnman, and Graham Shaw. [See details …]



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Paperback with flaps
208 pages · 170×240 mm
Full-colour illustrations




Contextual Alternate Journal of Communication, Technology, Design, and History
Essays in this volume address portraits in the illustrated two-volume French publication on South India L’Inde française, the changing roles of the typewriter in colonial India at the turn of the twentieth century, and the early history of design and technology for mechanically typesetting Indian scripts with the Linotype machine. Contributions by Graham Shaw, David Arnold, and Vaibhav Singh. [See details …]



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Paperback · 170×240 mm
Full-colour illustrations




Contextual Alternate Journal of Communication, Technology, Design, and History
Our annual journal brings together essays critically examining print and printed artefacts in diverse contexts of production and communication. With richly illustrated essays, ranging over material, textual, and visual cultures of Asia, it aims to make new contributions to our understanding of the diverse facets and intersections of publishing, technology, design, and history. Individual copies of the journal can be purchased here or you can subscribe (starting with the current calendar year) to lend your support to our efforts. For more information on the subscription options see here.



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Paperback · 170×240 mm
Full-colour illustrations
In preparation: pre-order




This book consolidates over three decades of research by one of the foremost historians and bibliographers of South Asian printing. With thirty newly revised and updated essays, Impressions of the past argues for rigorous groundwork in book history and typographic research for various languages and scripts of the Indian subcontinent. Profusely illustrated with specimens of early imprints, the volume is not only a summation of Graham Shaw’s long engagement with research in the field, it also constitutes a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the history of South Asian print cultures. [Read more …]



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This volume is set for release in 2024
PRE-ORDER your copy here
Paperback · 170×240 mm
Full-colour illustrations


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Calcutta after independence: a personal memoir Amartya Sen


Year: 2019 · Pages: 28
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-53-7

Desiring India: representations through British and French eyes Niranjan Goswami (editor)


Year: 2020 · Pages: 256
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-50-6

Elite conflict in a plural society: twentieth-century Bengal J. H. Broomfield


Year: 2018 · Pages: 358
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-45-2

Essays on half-tone photography Upendrakishore Raychowdhury


Year: 2023 · Pages: 96
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-927525-5-6

Famine tales: a graphic anthology Ayesha Mukherjee, Abhijit Gupta, Sujit Kumar Mandal, Shrutakirti Dutta (editors)


Year: 2023 · Pages: 188
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-94-0

I spy with my little eye Humphry House


Year: 2018 · Pages: 94
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-44-5

Indian drama in English: the beginnings Ananda Lal (editor)


Year: 2018 · Pages: 243
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-52-0

Lieut. Suresh Biswas: his life and adventures H. Dutt


Year: 2018 · Pages: 198
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-33-9

Petrarch: the self and the world Supriya Chaudhuri, Sukanta Chaudhuri (editors)


Year: 2013 · Pages: 240
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-86954-91-1

Shifting lands, moving people: livelihood, migration, climate change and natural disasters in the Indian Sundarbans Samantak Das, Sugata Hazra, Gautam Gupta


Year: 2023 · Pages: 126
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-93-83660-93-3

Subaltern squibs and sentimental rhymes: the Raj reflected in light verse Graham Shaw (editor)


Year: 2021 · Pages: 748
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-58-2

Tagore: the world as his nest Subhoranjan Dasgupta, Sangeeta Datta (editors)


Year: 2018 · Pages: 222
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-14-8

The Jallianwala Bagh journals: political lives of memory Sarmistha Dutta Gupta


Year: 2024 · Pages: 248
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-967852-1-5

The Kasikavrtti of Jayaditya-Vamana: a complete exposition of Panini’s Astadhyai (Tr.) Devadatta Joardar


Year: 2024 · Pages: 752
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-954806-4-7

The poet’s school: a history of Patha-Bhavana and Siksha-Satra Swati Ghosh, Ashok Sircar (Tr. Sarbajaya Bhattacharya, Sukaan Mukherjee)


Year: 2021 · Pages: 288
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-81-0

The life literary: women’s writing in The Indian Ladies’ Magazine Deborah Anna Logan


Year: 2024 · Pages: 438
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-954806-7-8

Things reborn: essays on the Renaissance Sukanta Chaudhuri


Year: 2022 · Pages: 484
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-80-3

Urban utopias: memory, rights, and speculation Barnita Bagchi (editor)


Year: 2020 · Pages: 262
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-93-83660-72-8